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Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Jama

Mrs Jordan

Mrs Lennox-Douglas

Mr Copestake





Welcome back.

We hope you enjoyed the half term holiday and are ready for the new term ahead!


During the next few months, we will be busy learning Year 6 curriculum and revising for SATs, so it will be a very busy time.

In Maths, we will be looking at multiplication and division of large numbers, decimals and fractions.

In English, we will be writing suspense stories and newspaper reports based on a short video "Alma".

In Science, we will be learning how to classify different living things, including microorganisms.

Our Topic this term is Geography: the Local Area. This will link to a fantastic Art project based around Impressionism.

PE is now on Mondays and Tuesdays and we will also carry on learning to play violins every Thursday afternoon.



We need volunteers to help with this trip, so please let staff know if you will be able to join us on that date.  Thank you.


PARENT MEETING: Monday, January 20th at 9am.  Please join us to find out about important upcoming dates and what your children will be learning this term.



Here are things to remember throughout the year:

The school day begins at 8:40am and the bell for registration goes at 8:50am.  Morning work is a great way for children to consolidate their learning and have time with their teacher for extra help, so getting to school on time is crucial.  It is also really important that children don't miss new concepts introduced at the beginning of the day. 




Homework is now sent out twice a week. On Tuesdays, children will be given a maths and an English homework, which will then be due for Friday. On Friday, a maths and English homework will be set which will be due in the following Tuesday.  The teacher will note down if homework is late or missing.

Spellings will be given out on a Monday and the children will be tested the following week. It is vital that your child not only knows how to spell the words, but also what they mean.  Times tables will be tested on Fridays.  In order to ensure homework or other vital information is not lost or damaged, your child will need to bring a bag to school every day.  Children will also be expected to bring a labelled water bottle to school and wear their uniform daily. 

 P.E. days are on Mondays and Tuesdays.  This half term we will be developing our football skills and flexibility and strength in yoga.  Children need to bring their PE kit.  It should include a T-shirt, tracksuit bottoms, shorts or leggings and a pair of white-soled trainers or plimsolls.  Please note that ONLY white-soled shoes or plimsolls will be permitted.  This is because any other footwear leaves marks on the floor which are very difficult to remove.  Any children who do not bring appropriate footwear will be required to remove their socks and shoes, which may inhibit their ability to learn certain skills.   Before lessons, all jewellery must be removed, long hair tied back and head scarves must be tucked into clothing, in accordance with health and safety rules.  



If you need any more information, please speak to Ms. Lennox-Douglas (Monday - Wednesday) or Mrs. Jordan (Wednesday - Friday).



For a full timetable, please look in the files below.



 Your child needs to bring their own water bottles, a healthy snack for break time and a bag to carry homework, reading books and letters at the end of the day.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on the email addresses below:



Pupils should all have logins for the following:

Bug Club

TT Rockstars

Developing Experts


If your child is unable to log in or has forgotten their details, please speak to the class teacher.





Files to Download

Year 6: News items

Year 6: Gallery items

Year Six Pottery, by Mr Goodhand

Year 6: Events items

Individual student photos, by Miss Smith

SATS Week, by Miss Smith

Thornbridge Residential, by Miss Smith

Contact the School

Netherthorpe Primary school

Netherthorpe Street
Sheffield, S3 7JA

Main Contact: Elizabeth Gray - Head Teacher

Tel: 0114 272 6834

SEN Contact: Ruth Kay & Clare Wilson

SEN Email: or