Vision and Values
Our Vision:
Where everyone has the chance to shine!
Walking through the door you will be met by a sea of friendly, smiling, eager faces that tell you learning here is exciting and lots of fun. We are all ready, willing and committed to achieving our very best, through the inclusive, practical and stimulating opportunities created especially for us. We are all kind to and supportive and encouraging of ourselves and each other and we celebrate the unique mix of nationalities, cultures and personalities that makes up our school community. We are safe, healthy and happy in a learning environment that nurtures, supports and empowers. Every member of our school community is valued, we all have a choice and a voice and we all have a chance to shine!
Netherthorpe Primary School: Our Values
At Netherthorpe Primary School, we have three key values which run across our school from EYFS to Year Six and apply to all pupils, staff and stakeholders within our school. Our values have been carefully considered, consulted on and designed to create a happy, safe and efficient place of work and education. The three words that express our core values are:
At Netherthorpe we value being kind.
We are kind and respectful to everyone in our community and we respect and look after the environment.
We use kind words, say please and thank you and have kind hands and feet.
We treat the building and our school equipment kindly so that it lasts longer, looks nicer and shows that we value all that we have.
At Netherthorpe we value being ready.
We are ready because we come to school each day on time and we are organised with all the things that we need for the day.
By paying attention, working hard and not giving up we show that we are ready to learn throughout the day.
During playtimes and lunchtimes, we show that we are ready by listening to our adults and following their instructions.
At Netherthorpe we value being safe.
We take care of each other at school and look after the safety of ourselves and others.
We always walk calmly around school, keep our hands and feet to ourselves and follow adult instructions to make sure we don’t get hurt.
By being kind, we do our best to keep everybody safe from upset and we look after our friends if they are feeling sad.
These are the three key values we strive for and expect from all of the school’s stakeholders; staff, pupils, parents, carers and governors. As part of our day-to-day practice in school we teach our children what being kind, safe and ready means and how these values are embodied within our school community and the world beyond our school. Staff model and demonstrate these values in their daily conduct and support all stakeholders to do the same. In our interactions with parents, carers and other school stakeholders, we expect these values to be demonstrated and supportively challenge each other to uphold these.
It is our belief that by helping to instil these values in our pupils we are preparing them for success, not only during their time at Netherthorpe, but onwards into their next phase of education and adulthood. By demonstrating these values as a staff, and expecting them from the wider school community in their interactions with us, we aim to achieve a happy, efficient and safe workplace for all.
Our values are a central part of our language and approach to achieving positive behaviour in school and, as such, play a key role across our school curriculum. All our interactions and conversations around behaviour link back to these values and any specific school rules and routines are designed to support readiness, kindness and safety.
We truly believe that Netherthorpe Primary School is a place where everyone should have the chance to shine and we believe that through having ready, kind and safe as key driving forces in our school community we can achieve this.