Our Governors
School Governors help determine the strategic direction of a school, ensure pupils and staff are safe and challenge and support the school in tackling weaknesses and bringing about necessary improvements. Netherthorpe Primary School Governing Body is as follows:
Co-Chair Person
Mr Matt Dean Date of appointment 01/09/2023. Date term of office ends31/08/2027 Co-opted
Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Mr Taoufik Marah Date of appointment 21/06/2019. Date term of office ends 20/06/2027 Co-opted
Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
To contact either chair please email chairofgovernors@netherthorpe.sheffield.sch.uk
Vice Chair
Ms Silke Fricke Date of Appointment 01/09/2015. Date term of office ends 31/08/2023 co-opted
Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Mr Dylan Williams Date of Appointment 20/11/2020. Date term of office ends 19/11/2024 co-opted
Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Miss Elizabeth Gray -
Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Local Authority Governor
Mr David Berry Date of Appointment 06/02/2021 Date term of office ends 05/02/2025
Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
Parent Governor
Mrs Khaoula Tahar Date of Appointment June 2022. Date term of office ends June 2026
Relevant Business, Personal or Marerial Interests: None
Parent Governor
Parent Governor
Staff Governor
Mrs Jade Flannery Date of Appointment 14/03/2024 Date term of office ends 13/03/2028
Elected by: School Staff
Relevant Business, Personal or Material Interests: None
For more information about the role of school governors, open the following Link.