School Uniform 2023-24
We want our children to feel comfortable while they are in school but also feel part of our school community and to be safe. As such, at Netherthorpe we value the importance of school uniform in creating a shared sense of identity and belonging. We also recognise that uniform helps pupils to minimise distractions and allows them to focus more of their attention on the business of school – learning. Importantly, we also know that uniform helps to keep our children safe when we are on visits, trips or out and about in the local community. On top of all this, we feel that our simple, affordable and clear uniform expectations help support parents and carers to ensure children are suitably dressed for learning each day.
Our school uniform is:
A white or blue polo shirt.
Royal blue jumper, cardigan, or fleece. (The school’s logo / name is optional.)
All indoor tops should be plain without slogans or pattern, unless they are embroidered with the school logo
Black or grey trousers or skirt (black or grey leggings can be worn underneath a skirt).
A blue and white checked dress can be worn in the summer months.
Black or grey shorts can be worn in the summer months.
Footwear should be sensible and can be of any colour.
Sandals that stay securely on the feet can be worn in the summer months.
A hijab can be worn in dark colours – grey, black, blue or white.
The only jewellery permitted is stud earrings.
On days when your child has P.E., they will be required to bring in a suitable P.E. kit for this lesson.
Our school P.E. kit is:
White polo shirt / t-shirt.
Black or blue shorts or jogging bottoms.
Children also need to bring a suitable, waterproof coat with them to school each day as playtimes, dinner times and visits and trips are not cancelled unless the weather conditions are extreme.
All of our uniform can be ordered from schooltrends.co.uk
It is also widely available in most supermarkets.
We kindly ask that all uniform is clearly labelled with pupil names.
See the Link below