Safeguarding at Netherthorpe
Safeguarding is our utmost priority at Netherthorpe. We want to all children to learn well and achieve; in order to do this, children need to be safe and able to learn.
We follow Sheffield's policies and procedures for safeguarding children. Please CLICK HERE to visit the Safeguarding Sheffield Children website. There is a lot of very useful information for parents and schools here.
We keep a printed copy of our safeguarding policies at school that parents are very welcome to come in to read. Alternatively, please CLICK HERE to read safeguarding related policies online.
Please read our Child Protection Policy and Working Together in Sheffield document by clicking on the downloads below.
Our safeguarding team is made up of:
Elizbeth Gray - Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Online safety Leader
Ruth Kay - Deputy DSL
Jack Goodhand - Deputy DSL
Clare Wilson - Safeguarding team
John Schofield - Safeguarding team
If you ever have any concerns or questions about safeguarding, please contact the school or come to see us at school.