Wellbeing and Mental Health
The way we feel on the inside is just as important as how we feel on the outside. Our lives can have so much going on that while our bodies might be healthy, we can often forget to look after our thoughts and emotions, and we are at risk of becoming mentally unhealthy.
The things that happen around us, in our own lives and the rest of the world can really affect our mental health.
It’s so important that we can identify our feelings. This helps us to not only know what it is we’re experiencing, but also to explain it to someone else when we might need their support. Sometimes we may feel new feelings that we’re not used to. You might be feeling more worried than usual, and not know how to describe it. Some people might experience anxiety during difficult times, which is a more severe form of worry and can often stop us from feeling good about anything.
One of the best things about us is that we are all different. Everybody experiences the world differently, but some people may be more scared or worried than usual. There’s nothing wrong with feeling this way. The important thing is that you talk about how you’re feeling, and don’t keep it inside. We can’t change some things, but we can control how we react to them.
If at any time you don’t feel great, or you’re worried about what’s going on, or you just need to talk to someone, it’s important you don’t keep it inside. Remember that while there may be lots of negative things happening at the moment, there are also a lot of positives too. The more you practice ways to change how you think and feel in a healthy manner, the more naturally it will come to you. You can also teach others how to feel better during difficult times. There are tips for maintaining good mental health on other pages in this section.
We can all experience poor mental health, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we’ve got a mental illness. There are things we can all do to take care of our mental health and keep us functioning in the best way possible. This is especially important during difficult times when we are facing new challenges. Some people might experience anxiety during difficult times, which is a more severe form of worry and can often stop us from feeling good about anything. Anxiety is a symptom of poor mental health, and can be caused by stress, worry and uncertainty.
If at any time you don’t feel great, or you’re worried about what’s going on, or you just need to talk to someone, it’s important you don’t keep it inside. Talk to your family if you have any concerns about how you or someone else is feeling.
There are also lots of places you can get support online:
Sometimes all it takes is for somebody else to listen.
YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
Your mind plan (www.nhs.uk)
In school, Clare Wilson is the Senior Mental Health Lead and one of the school SENCO's.