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What does SEND mean and what is a SENCO or SENDCO?

SEND means Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  Every school in the UK has to have a teacher who oversees the children who need support in school.  They are called a SENCO or SENDCO.  This stands for Special Educational Needs (and Disabilities) Co-ordinator.

All children and young people are unique and learn and develop in different ways. Children and young people with SEND have learning needs or disabilities are often long lasting and that can make it more challenging for them to learn than most children and young people of the same age. These children and young people may need extra or different help or support from that given to others.

If parents and carers or staff have a concern about how their child is learning or how they are feeling, we monitor their progress for a short while. Sometimes challenges that children face with learning are temporary; sometimes they are long lasting. If we find, through observation, assessment and our understanding of the child that the challenges or barriers to learning do not ease and lessen with some initial additional support, we identify that the child has some additional needs and we put them on our SEND register. Every school in the UK will have an SEND register where a list of children is kept.  Any child on the SEND register should receive support called provision.  The average nationally is that 20% of children have some form of special educational needs. The average for Sheffield is 17.2% of children and the average for Netherthorpe is 40% (all figures accurate as of December 2024).

If your child is on the SEND register then you will be invited a 3 reviews a year with the SENDCO and your child’s class teacher (in place of the usual 2 Parent Consultation Meetings). These are like an Parent Consultation meeting.  The outcomes set for your child will be put onto an Extended Support Plan and will be reviewed and any next steps or changes will be decided upon together during the meeting. Please come to these meetings or let us know as soon as possible if you are not able to attend a meeting: due to the number of children we have on our SEND register and the number of meetings we have, we are not always able to rearrange meetings and may have to go ahead without you and then give you a summary. As the child's parent or carer, you know your child best and we want your input and to help you support your child at home as well as at school.

Some children will have very high levels of Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and will have an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan). For other children an Extended Support Plan will be enough to make sure they have the support they need.  Some children may be removed from the SEND register if their progress shows that they no longer need the extra support. Sometimes specialists from outside school may come into see your child and offer further advice. You will always know if this is going to happen and will receive feedback from them after their visit. 

If you have questions about, SEND or feel your child might have an additional need, then please speak with one of our SEND Cos (Ruth Kay or Clare Wilson) who are usually on the main playground before and after school or can be contacted on or

For more information regarding SEND at Netherthorpe Primary, please look here:

Contact the School

Netherthorpe Primary school

Netherthorpe Street
Sheffield, S3 7JA

Main Contact: Elizabeth Gray - Head Teacher

Tel: 0114 272 6834

SEN Contact: Ruth Kay & Clare Wilson

SEN Email: or