Who do I speak to if I have concerns about my child’s progress or their learning in school?
In the first instance, a conversation with your child’s class teacher after school would be the best course of action. If you are unable to speak to their teacher after school, then please contact the school office to arrange a time for a meeting on 0114 2726834 to arrange an appointment before school or at the end of the day. Alternatively, you may prefer to email the member of staff using: enquiries@netherthorpe.sheffield.sch.uk .
Parents and carers will have two parent-teacher consultation meetings to discuss their child’s progress and learning throughout the year. In addition to this, there is a school report which details the learning, progress and areas for development for your child. Parents and carers are very welcome to make an appointment to discuss the content of this report with their class teacher as well.
If you child is on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) register, you will have three review meetings annually with one of our SEND Cos and your child’s class teacher. These will be instead of the parent and carer consultation meetings outlined in the paragraph above. A SEND Co and your child’s teacher will speak with you about your child’s progress and targets.
If you have questions about, SEND or feel your child might have an additional need, then please speak with one of our SEND Cos (Ruth Kay or Clare Wilson) who are usually on the main playground before and after school or can be contacted on kayr@netherthorpe.sheffield.sch.uk or wilsonc@netherthorpe.sheffield.sch.uk.
For more information regarding SEND at Netherthorpe Primary, please look here: