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Dates for your diary

March 2025

Monday 3rd: KS2 Choir trip to Red Tape Studios.

Thursday 6th: World Book Day.

Thursday 6th: Y6 Trip to Crucial Crew.

Friday 7th: Toilet training coffee morning. (You should have received more information via School Spider last week.)

Friday 7th: Halle Orchestra concert at City Hall.

Friday 21st: Red Nose Day.

Friday 28th: Children break up for the Easter holidays. This is a normal school day and children should be picked up at the normal time of 3:10pm for nursery and 3:15pm for FS2-Y6.

Parent/carer consultations

Parents/carers meetings will be taking place this week. Appointments are now live on School Spider. Please log on to the app and book a slot to meet with your child's class teacher.

The dates are as follows:

FS2 - Monday 3rd March and Wednesday 5th March.

Y1 - Wednesday 5th March and Thursday 6th March.

Y2 - Tuesday 4th March and Wednesday 5th March.

Y3 - Wednesday 5th March.

Y4 - Monday 3rd March and Wednesday 5th March.

Y5 - Tuesday 4th March and Wednesday 5th March.

Y6 - Monday 3rd March and Wednesday 5th March.

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SEN Reviews

SEN Reviews are due to take place this month. Appointments are now live on School Spider, please log on to the app and book a slot to meet with your child's class teacher and one of our SENCo's.

All of the reviews will take place in our Sports Hall meeting room, you can head straight to the Sports Hall, no need to go to the main reception.

The dates are as follows:

F1 - Thursday 27th March.

FS2 - Wednesday 19th March.

Y1 - Friday 28th March.

Y2 - Wednesday 26th March.

Y3 - Tuesday 25th March.

Y4 - Tuesday 11th March.

Y5 - Tuesday 18th March.

Y6 - Monday 24th March.

Greenhouse - Friday 21st March.

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What have we been up to?

February 2025

Children across school got up to lots of interesting things last month and we cant wait for you to read all about them!

Y1 Toy Museum Trip

Y1 visited the toy museum this term as part pf their learning history. The children pretended to be curators of a toy museum and they observed some really old toys.

They thought about how we can tell if toys are old by looking at what they are made of or by thinking about their condition.

Y6 Trip to Kelham Island Museum

This month our Y6 class had the opportunity to attend the Kelham Island Museum, a trip which the whole class thoroughly enjoyed.

They had the chance to look around the whole museum and see lots of different artefacts before they had group session all about the Sheffield Industrial Story.

All of the children were really well behaved and represented Netherthorpe Primary School amazingly. Well done Y6!


Extreme or Comfy reading

During the February half term holiday we set all of our children a challenge. To take a photo of themselves reading their favourite book in either an extreme place (somewhere you wouldn't normally read) or a comfy place. We had lots of amazing photo's sent into us to show us some of the extreme and comfy reading all the children got up. They looked like they had so much fun taking part in this challenge.

Contact the School

Netherthorpe Primary school

Netherthorpe Street
Sheffield, S3 7JA

Main Contact: Elizabeth Gray - Head Teacher

Tel: 0114 272 6834

SEN Contact: Ruth Kay & Clare Wilson

SEN Email: or