Special Educational Needs and Disability at Netherthorpe
The school has 2 Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCO) they are:
Ruth Kay SENCO and Clare Wilson SENCO
You can contact them by the school office on 0114 2726834
or kayr@netherthorpe.sheffield.sch.uk or wilsonc@netherthorpe.sheffield.sch.uk
What is the Sheffield SEND Graduated Approach
Some helpful links and websites
SENDIAS Frequently asked questions parents and carers — Sheffield SENDIAS support for families of children with SEND support for families of children with SEND
Healthy little minds and healthy minds- for parents Hungry Little Minds – Simple fun, activities for kids aged 0 – 5
Autism education trust: https://www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk/
Young minds - Child and Adult Mental Health Services - A guide for young people Guide to CAMHS
Parent Carer Forum
Sheffield mental Health Service: HAVEN
Please ask us if you need any further information about your child's special needs or disability. We are here to help, and to signpost to other services as required.
Details of support and provision for children with SEND at Netherthorpe Primary School can be found be visiting the Local Offer page for children in Sheffield schools via the Council's website. Click HERE