Curriculum Overview and Intent
At Netherthorpe Primary School, we have created a school curriculum designed to ensure that all of our children meet their full potential and have a chance to shine. Our curriculum is ambitious, engaging and enriching for our children and has been designed to support pupils’ academic, social, physical and emotional development.
We deliver a high-quality curriculum which is broad and balanced with cohesive coverage of the National Curriculum objectives. We provide learning experiences that are relevant to our children and our curriculum is personalised and structured so that the development of knowledge, skills and vocabulary is completed in a systematic and logical sequence. We ensure that our progressive, knowledge and language -rich curriculum allows pupils to consistently build upon what they already know enabling them to develops rich schema in their brains which in turn facilitates future learning.
Because we always want the best for our pupils, the school curriculum is constantly under review to ensure it best meets the needs of our children. Our curriculum development process is routed in research and our curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of the community we serve.
At Netherthorpe Primary School we teach discreet subjects but make meaningful links in learning where we can. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of the core values of our society are woven through the curriculum. This includes the explicit teaching of our three school values Kind, Ready and Safe.
Planning is developed using our own knowledge, a variety of planning guidance documents and commercial schemes.Our curriculum at Netherthorpe Primary School is driven by key enquiry questions or objectives. All children are expected to achieve and appropriate scaffolds/support is provided to allow all children to remember more, know more and do more.
At the heart of our curriculum are three key drivers – our Curriculum ABC:
Active, Life-Long Learning
We strive for our pupils to develop a love for learning and to acquire the skills they need to be effective learners for life. This includes developing pupils’ curiosity; developing children’s ability to think logically and to reason and problem solve; supporting children to establish a bank of core knowledge as the basis of further learning and ensuring that pupils are resilient and have a growth-mindset. We want our pupils to play an active part in their education, to be enthusiastic about their learning and to be ready for the next stage of their education and beyond.
The community at Netherthorpe Primary School is very diverse and we have children and staff from a wide range of different backgrounds, of differing nationalities and with different languages. We strongly believe that this diversity is a strength and that whilst our differences are to be celebrated, we also have lots in common. One of the many things that unities us all is that we all belong to the Netherthorpe Primary School community and the wider Sheffield community. We want our children to feel like they belong at our school and in our city and to be proud of both where they are now, their background and their heritage.
Communication is at the very heart of everything we strive for at Netherthorpe Primary School. We feel passionately that we want our pupils to develop into effective communicators with an emotional intelligence that supports them throughout their lives. Vocabulary development is a key part of our school curriculum alongside increasing grammatical understanding, developing core sentence structures and mastering the mechanics of written communication. Speaking and listening skills form a central part of our lessons and pupils have the opportunity to perform and speak in front of an audience for a range of different purposes. We strive for our pupils not only to be competent communicators but to be confident at communicating.
The drivers are woven into the curriculum and play a key part in the curriculum planning process. Teachers and school staff draw on these values when deigning curriculum areas, planning sequences of learning and when lesson planning. Through this we hope that children leave Netherthorpe Primary School as engaged learners, competent and confident communicators and with a sense of pride and belonging to wherever they may have come from and where they are now.