Strong maths skills are the gateway to a wide range of careers and life experiences, and this is likely to become even more the case as digital, technical and scientific progress continues in the years to come. Children need not only good basic arithmetic skills, but the ability to manipulate numbers fluenty and use reasoning and problem solving in their maths.
Research shows that parent's involvement with children in completing their maths homework does not improve their mathematical abilities and may actially make them worse! However, there are some ways that parents can help their children their maths:
Make sure children have the time and space to complete their homework;
Check which time tables your child is focusing on and practise with them;
Most importantly, look out for opportunities in the real world for your child to practise maths, e.g. shopping, cooking, recognising shapes and patterns, etc.
Maths this Half Term
Our focus this half term, will be learning methods for addition and subtraction.
We are also going to be learning about measures.
Times Table Rock Stars - All children have logins for the ttrockstars website. It's a great way for them to practise times tables. Encourage children to practise little and often. 5-10 minutes is plenty. Click on the link below.
The children have been learning to place numbers on a number line. They can practise using this game. Choose number lines 1-100 or 1-1000.
We have been learning songs to help with remembering times tables. They have done X2, X5, X10 and X3 songs.